Looking up.

Last day of winter today, in many ways.

I would have said grey skies and rain clouds.
But I see light,
and I hear sounds.
The deafening roar has dulled
and now
I live in the quiet street down the road from you.

murder in my backyard

So today I am mourning the loss of my tree.

My German neighbours, Michael and Andreas, asked to trim our tree. It makes their house cold because no sun can get through. I sympathize because I also froze to death in my house this winter. We both suffered. When I got home, the tree was slaughtered; missing vital limbs and as ugly as a murdered puppy. That is how I feel. I'm yet to build up the courage to tell my nieghbours that "Incase you were unaware, you walked all over me with poo on your shoes and now I have no tree."

Quite plain backyard now equals ugly naked backyard. Now we have to fix it with things. There is definitely a garden swing involved.

So here are some pictures of the trees up the road from my house. Puppy Park.

grow something heavy, something rough. take this load and tear it apart. oh i love it. oh i love it.

broken social scene

Splendour was amazing. Carl and I got a great camping spot and most of my sleeps were as good as any. Our neighbours were crazy/hilarious hippies. Generosity was the trend, sharing crackers and vegemite and bottle shop runs.

I also got to spend most of the weekend with my old friends Paul and Josh. Love them. I could write all about them, and i would go on for a long time, but they're so lovely i feel that i wouldn't really do them any justice. And also i want to keep it all to myself.

Not listed in any particular order; The Strokes were amazing, Mumford and Sons were amazing, Broken Social Scene also so so so amazing, Florence and the Machine (phwoar!), The Drums were very good. Yeasayer, The Pixies (so so terribly disappointing), Passion Pit, Whiteley, Delphic, Tame Impala. And so many more. Live music; two thumbs up.

Pheobe Buffay.



The Carrot Pen.

Limited Edition. Completely natural, organic certified and environmentally friendly.

sweet shoes

Took images from thestylerookie.com, taghrid.cc, knighttcat.com.
I ddfinitely don't want to make my posts about clothes and stuff, sort of just like everyone else. But i'm going to put up things that i like.
Is it weird to like Tavi? She's so little. And just little.
And I have just found taghrid.cc through songofstyle.com. I think that she is absolutely stunning and with an absolutely impeccable taste and not to mention pretty hot! Very very good find today.
Also, my buddy Duncan bought me this sweet watch. Raised by Wolves and furni collab. Will load some sweet photo's later.
Seriously, what is UP with this girl?? i love her


Today is the perfect day in Camperdown. Day off uni because of reading week. I am not reading. I'm watching 1990's hit sitcom Friends with my buddy Duncan. He's got a banged up foot so we're less mobile than normal. We went and ate $6 thai and i bought some cinnamon sticks for the house. Just hanging out and drinking tea. And eating Club chocolate.

So no one told you life was going to be this way.
Your job's a joke, you're broke, you're love life's DOA.
It's like you're always stuck in second gear,
Well, it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year.

But, I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour.
I'll be there for you, like I've been there before.
I'll be there for you, cause you're there for me too.


I take incredible pride in the books that I display on/in my bookcase. I went through a period where reading felt guilty because of my immense work load. Hours and hours of work meant that when it was time to relax my brain could barely engage with anything considerable.
Here's something I did today.
It's called Charlotte One.

Recent pictures.

I feel like my blog has been quite impersonal. So this is me. Hello.

just to say


I am back

Childhood is measured by the sights and sounds and smells, before the dark hour of reason sounds.

I've just bought a video camera! I'm sure it will just be another vessel through which i can spend my time. Previously I have been self-conscious about this blog. But not anymore. I will post what i please.