september soundtrack;
The Suburbs; Arcade Fire.
Heligoland; Massive Attack.
Forgiveness Rock Record; Broken Social Scene.
Sigh No More; Mumford and Sons.
The Greatest; Cat Power.
Plastic Beaches; The Gorillaz (I have been known to accidentally refer to them as The Monkeys).
The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill; Lauryn Hill (really have to be in a particular mood to listen to her easy-going-attitude-girl music.)
Havn't decided the rest. Just stuff i have on repeat. Music to listen to while spending time, waiting for November.
Ross and Rachel just broke up on Friends. Feeling a little depressed about it. Spent the day with Henry, hanging out in the park. Did some vacuuming. The guilt I feel about having watched Friends DVD on my study day is probably equal to the guilt you feel about having wasted time reading this silly post. My apologies but I wanted to tell you all (very few) what I have done today. Not much.
Here is a photo in India. I was on a boat for the day in Palolem. I was really sea sick but gradually came around in time to see an eagle (I think it is an eagle). It didn't make that bird call that you hear so often in movies set in the desert. It was a very big bird and it was so smooth through the sky. I miss India, but I miss Robbie more.